Canvas Wrap

Canvas Wrap

Our high quality stretched canvas wraps are digitally printed at high resolution on semi­gloss canvas material. To ensure the highest quality and precision each canvas is carefully hand wrapped onto MDF  stretcher frames. Quickly transform your favorite picture into a piece of artwork.

Note:   All canvases are  now wrapped onto MDF stretcher frames.


  • High resolution digitally printed at 720 x 720
  • White semi­gloss artist canvas
  • MDF stretcher frame
  • Free hanging accessory kit included

Gallery wrap

Note:  Gallery Wrap 1.5” with “fold” edge option require 1.75” bleed on each side. Example: Submit 15.5” x 15.5” artwork for 12” x 12” Gallery Canvas Wrap (1.5”).

or email your order to

Job Specifications

  • Print Details $0.00

    • $0.00
    • $0.00
    • This realtime quote does not include tax or shipping.